Tuesday 25 October 2016

How to Remove Scars and Other Skin Problems with Laser Surgery

Medical lasers have completely changed the perception of skin treatments and how we combat premature skin aging. Before the world of cosmetic medicine heard of laser treatments, there were limited options in dealing with acne scars, pigmentation, redness of the skin and wrinkles.
Today, modern medical laser skin care treatment centers in Hyderabad and other metropolitan cities have been able to produce great results with very little downtime. Medical lasers are aesthetic devices which will delay the aging skin by revitalizing it. While these revolutionary procedures can create a benchmark in cosmetic treatments, the technology itself is not very simple and can affect our skin adversely since it is risky and if not employed correctly.  Thus it is very important that you seek medical help from a qualified team of surgeons and nurses.
Why do We Have Scars?
Scars are a common occurrence for most of us, and we get them for a number of reasons. For example, from injury, surgery, inflammation of tissues, infections and so on. What is a scar actually? It is a natural healing process of our body which helps replenish damaged or harmed skin.
Scars can be of different types. they can be flat, painful, itchy and of varied colors. The best kind of laser therapy for a particular scar depends on how we got it. Lasers are a great way of camouflaging the scar, in terms of reducing the pigmentation color, smoothening it and also flattening a raised scar.
The Procedure of Laser Resurfacing
What is laser resurfacing?  If you are going for a skin care treatment in Hyderabad, you need to know more about it. A laser is very unlike the focused white light from a bulb which is actually a blend of all the seven colors of the rainbow. A laser, on the other hand, is a focused beam of light that has only one color and not a blend of different colors. When its intense beams are focused on a problem area on the skin like a brown spot, an unwanted hair follicle or a scar, the laser's focused light can attack the tissue or pigment without harming the skin.
But even if you have made up your mind to go for laser surgery, you need to weigh the pros and cons as not everyone is fit for laser surgery, especially people with overly sensitive skin. Sometimes the skin tone gets altered. But of course, for that, you need a clinic where the best laser skin treatment in Hyderabad or any other city is done. People with a darker skin –tone ought to be more careful and only the best skin specialist like a skin specialist in Hyderabad can help with your skin woes.  Laser surgery can show great results if you are suffering from skin problems where no amount of over the counter medications are helping. You can then certainly resort to laser surgery to give your skin a fresh lease of life.

Saturday 8 October 2016

Cosmetic Surgery Center Hyderabad

What is Gynecomastia? It is a condition usually seen in boys and men. It is caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Gynecomastia can be seen on either one breast or both the breasts, affecting the appearance by making it/them uneven and disproportionate.  Gynecomastia usually affects boys during puberty or older men because of the fluctuating hormones. While not a serious problem per se, it causes embarrassment and low self-esteem for those suffer from it.

Signs and Symptoms  of Gynecomastia
Signs and symptoms of gynecomastia include enlarged breast tissue and breast tenderness. Although estrogen is regarded as a female hormone, it plays a very important role in the male reproductive function as well. Significant factors like lack of exercise, an unhealthy diet, certain medications and the use of a particular kind of products which contain low levels of estrogen can cause gynecomastia. Enlarged breast tissues are quite common in small children or infants as the mother's estrogen remains in their system. This, however, disappears within weeks. Gynecomastia caused by hormone changes during puberty is also common, and it typically corrects itself within a few months. Gynecomastia is also common in men between the ages of 50 and 80 and is frequently associated with andropause.

Treatment Options
Gynecomastia sometimes does not resolve by itself and if there is significant pain, discomfort or embarrassment, several treatment options like medication and surgery can be availed. A liposuction or mastectomy are both valid Gynecomastia treatment options. Liposuction is not very effective because this procedure is able to remove only fat in the breasts and not the breast gland tissue that has resulted in the development of breast buds. A mastectomy is a more invasive procedure, although the process is now simpler for patients to endure since it can be done on an endoscopic basis. Only small incisions are used, so recovery for the patients is faster and thus male breast reduction is more effective

If you are suffering from Gynecomastia, you need to know where you should you seek treatment options, and whether you should go for Gynecomastia Treatment in Hyderabad or anywhere else.  Just dig up more information about the clinic and know whether your doctor is experienced and skilled enough. Consider the various options offeredby your doctor and only then take a decision, that is whether to go for surgery or treat your condition with medication.

Thursday 22 September 2016

How to Get Scarless Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction is the best procedure to sculpt and shape your body when you have been trying to lose the excess fat for quite some time, and no amount of diet and exercise seems to have had an impact on your weight loss goals. When all the tried and tested methods of losing fat have failed, we need to seek Liposuction, as it reshapes the body by surgically removing unwanted excess fat through small incisions. It’s used to create a smoother, slimmer shape by removing fat. However, it’s not effective for cellulite, the dimpled condition found in the buttocks, hips, and backs of thighs or in situations where removing excess skin is necessary. Also, you need to seek a high quality clinic, like the best liposuction clinic in Hyderabad to get the procedure done.

Problem Areas Fixed by Liposuction

Every individual has their share of struggles with their own problem area. Liposuction is designed to remove excess fat in areas such as:

  • Lower stomach & waistline- especially the dreaded pooch and love handles.
  • Inner & outer thighs
  • Hips & buttocks
  • Inner knee
  • Upper arms
  • Back
  • Chest
  • Neck, jowls and under the chin
  • Calves and ankles
The Pros and Cons of Liposuction

When it comes to liposuction, your surgeon goes in with goal of improving the contour of your body. The word liposuction comes from the Greek word ‘lips’ which actually means fat. It is also known as suction lipectomy and kyphoplasty.

In order to remove fat, liposuction uses the suction method, which resembles a vacuum-like device or by a large syringe. The suction is inserted when a small incision is made in the body, and the surgeon will suck out some of the fat tissue.

Contrary to popular belief, liposuction surgery is not an alternative to losing weight, if you are overweight that is. All it offers is a way to a smoother and trimmer body if you have extra pockets of fats that will not go away with physical exercise.

Not heeding the financial aspect, the ideal people to have a liposuction surgery in Hyderabad are those who are close to normal weight, but have pockets of excess fat with firm skin, and are physically and psychologically healthy.

Before the procedure, you need to find the right surgeon for you. Discuss all your expectations and concerns with him/her. Even if liposuction sucks the fat tissue out, you are not guaranteed a perfect body. A good surgeon will discuss with you the facts about the procedure, the preparation, the benefits, risks, costs and the recovery period.

The scars from liposuction are negligibly small and strategically placed so that they are not visible. However, you may notice certain imperfections in the final appearance which are not uncommon after kyphoplasty. The skin surface does not look regular; they look asymmetric or even "baggy," especially when it comes to older patients. Once you are done with the surgery, after three months or so you will be able to notice the positive impact of liposuction on your body. Your clothes will fit you better and you will gain a new found confidence.

Friday 11 March 2016

Liposuction Surgery - Overview

Having a particular area of the body that you’re not happy with can really affect self-confidence. Liposuction, also known as Fat Removal surgery or Liposculpture, is usually chosen by people who have stubborn pockets of fat that no amount of diet and exercise can shift. However, liposuction surgery can be performed on any area of the body and the technique is often used as part of other cosmetic surgery procedures such as the tummy tuck, breast reduction and male chest reduction.
As one of our most frequently performed surgical procedures, our patients tell us that they feel happier and more confident in themselves afterwards.

Commonly Asked Questions

Why you might choose Liposuction surgery

  • Sculpt a particular area of the body to achieve the figure you’ve always wanted
  • Balance the proportions of your figure
  • Increase body confidence especially when wearing tight or revealing clothing
  •  Motivate yourself to lead a healthier lifestyle

Is Liposuction (Fat Removal) right for me?

Liposuction should never be used as a quick, easy solution to weight loss; it is not an operation that will enable you to lose a significant amount of weight. Therefore if you’re not already at (or close to) your ideal weight, Liposuction may not be a suitable option. If you’re at your ideal weight but for example your thighs, arms, knees, buttocks, stomach or hips are not as proportionate as you’d like them to be, then Liposuction could be right for you.

What does the procedure entail and how long does it take?

It is performed under a general anaesthetic or a local anaesthetic with sedation, depending on the area of the body being treated and amount of fat being removed. Often a day case, the operation can take between one and two hours. Your Cosmetic Surgeon will make a small incision in the area being treated and insert a very fine tube called a cannula, which is then attached to very powerful vacuum device that removes the fat cells quickly and efficiently.

How much does Liposuction cost?

Each patient has different needs so there isn’t one, single cost for Liposuction. We advise you to come in for a consultation to speak with a member of our qualified team. We can then determine the right type of procedure for you and give you an exact cost.
Almost any area of the body can be treated but the most common areas are the thighs, buttocks, back, chest, breast,upper arms, stomach, chin, and knees.
Am I too old / young for Liposuction?
As an ethical Cosmetic Surgery provider, we do not perform Cosmetic Surgery on people under 18. We do not set an upper age limit for Liposuction surgery. However, the older we get the longer it takes our bodies to recover, so your Cosmetic Surgeon will assess your current physical health and medical history to ensure you’re fit and well enough to undergo surgery.

Do I need to be at my ideal weight before surgery?

Liposuction is not a recommended weight loss method as it primarily removes stubborn pockets of fat from problem areas to create a more balanced proportion. So yes, you will need to be at your ideal weight in order to be a suitable candidate for surgery. You will need a Body Mass Index (BMI) of up to 30 to be a suitable candidate for Liposuction.

Can you perform Liposuction to help me lose weight?

Absolutely not. Liposuction is not designed to be a weight loss tool and we recommend prospective Fat Removal patients who are at or close to their ideal weight (Preferably within 10% of the ideal weight) at the time of surgery.

Are the results of Liposuction permanent?

The results following your procedure are generally long lasting, as long as you maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Is there any reason why I might not be able to have Liposuction (Fat Removal) surgery?

Your Surgeon will assess your current state of health and your medical history before making a decision on your suitability for this procedure. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept patients with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 30 for Liposuction. We can advise you on any lifestyle changes you need to make before we can consider you for the procedure.

Can I combine Liposuction with a Tummy Tuck procedure?

Yes absolutely. Many of our patients, particularly those who come to us following significant weight loss or post pregnancy, choose to combine the two procedures. Liposuction is used to remove pockets of fat from the stomach whilst a Tummy Tuck can rid you of loose, excess skin.

Can I have multiple procedures at the same time (i.e. on the legs, tummy and bottom)?

Yes, within reason. Many patients choose to combine Liposuction with Tummy Tuck surgery if required at the same time, as they are complementary procedures, generally located within the same area. However we would not recommend having undergoing Liposuction with a Breast procedure (or other multiple procedures) on the same day, due to the intensive nature of the procedures combined.

How long will it take me to fully recover (and for any bruising or swelling to go)?

Any pain and bruising should subside one to two weeks after surgery. We usually recommend to take at least a week off from work. However full recovery from Liposuction surgery usually takes between six and eight weeks and during this time you are required to wear a light support garment to keep the treated area supported and protected. Some swelling can remain for a further four weeks and patients often see the full results of their surgery after six to eight months. Your Surgeon will advise you on when you can re-commence your exercise routine.

How much time will I need to take off work?

You can return to work within a few days after your procedure – your Surgeon will be able to advise further.

Will I be left with scars?

Because the incisions made by your Surgeon will be very small, scarring from Liposuction surgery is minimal and barely noticeable.

What are the risks?

The risks with Liposuction are the same as with all surgery performed under a general anaesthetic. However, your Surgeon will talk you through these before you make any decisions.

Do I need to take any long-term precautions after Liposuction surgery?

You can usually return to normal daily activities two weeks after surgery, but your Cosmetic Surgeon will let you know if there are any activities you should avoid or slowly ease yourself back into. Having Fat Removal surgery however should not stop you from doing anything long term.